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Mindmap | Ledge!

 canal curvature without communication with the periodontal ligament, resulting in a procedural error termed ledge formation or lodging." width="628" height="538" /> Endodontic mishaps or procedural accidents are unfortunate occurrences that…
Mahmoud H. Al-Johani
December 1, 2014

4D Printing and Dentistry

Restorative/ prosthetic treatment planning is a complex task, where several biological, physical, chemical, and financial factors interact. Dentists understand that despite the restoration quality, they have to face the challenge…
Mahmoud H. Al-Johani
October 24, 2014

Barber Job!

Those who fail to understand the history usually fail to understand the present and fail to plan the future. Professionals who understand the history of their profession tend to appreciate…
Mahmoud H. Al-Johani
October 14, 2014

Translational Research

Translational research refers to translate scientific findings into practical setting. It is classified into T1 and T2 researches. T1 research refers to apply findings from laboratory into clinical studies that involve human…

Is MERS-CoV Dentophobic?

Middle East respiratory syndrome corona virus (MERS-CoV) is an emerging pathogen that causes severe respiratory tract illness. All confirmed cases are linked to residence in or recent traveling to the Arabian Peninsula.…