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Tarik Al-Juhani, a name that can’t be forgotten! A Saudi dentist who was full of life, so friendly to the level you assume you know him long time. Last year we lost that person in a routine operation that supposed not to last more than just few hours, but that was not the case when the wait started but did not end. Tarik was a great supporter to in early time when I was just putting the bricks up to each others building this site. As much as I talk about him, I can’t reward him for the support he offered me. I can’t launch the site without remembering him. May Allah be mercy with him.

Note: The video is a production of Tarik’s Family

Mahmoud H. Al-Johani

Author Mahmoud H. Al-Johani

More posts by Mahmoud H. Al-Johani

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  • Yassertabbaa says:

    رحمك الله رحمة واسعة يا أخي و صديقي و عزيزي طارق ، افتقدناك منذ اللحظة الأولى و لم نعتد غيابك حتى بعد آن مر عام على رحيلك . الكثير مما حولي يذكرني بك فادعو لك ، عزائي الوحيد علمي بصفاء سريرتك و روحك و يقيني بعفو ربك و فسيح جنانه
    رحمك الله و الهم أهلك الصبر و السلوان

    • Anonymous says:

      فعلًا .. افتقدناه ونفتقده كلما تمر نفس اللحظات التي شاركنا فيها، وهي كثيرة
      رحمه الله رحمة واسعة .. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

  • Yassertabbaa says:

    رحمك الله رحمة واسعة يا أخي و صديقي و عزيزي طارق ، افتقدناك منذ اللحظة الأولى و لم نعتد غيابك حتى بعد آن مر عام على رحيلك . الكثير مما حولي يذكرني بك فادعو لك ، عزائي الوحيد علمي بصفاء سريرتك و روحك و يقيني بعفو ربك و فسيح جنانه
    رحمك الله و الهم أهلك الصبر و السلوان

    • Anonymous says:

      فعلًا .. افتقدناه ونفتقده كلما تمر نفس اللحظات التي شاركنا فيها، وهي كثيرة
      رحمه الله رحمة واسعة .. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

  • JM says:

    رحم الله د.طارق واسكنه فسيح جناته

  • JM says:

    رحم الله د.طارق واسكنه فسيح جناته

  • Sayeed_haroon says:

    Allah may be mercy with him.if i say great lost to todays Dentistry this word is not enough.he will be remember forever.

  • Sayeed_haroon says:

    Allah may be mercy with him.if i say great lost to todays Dentistry this word is not enough.he will be remember forever.

  • Reem says:

    I dont him personally, but heard so much about him. . what does a person want more than to be respected, loved and honoured by so many in life and there after.

    May God bless him

  • Reem says:

    I dont him personally, but heard so much about him. . what does a person want more than to be respected, loved and honoured by so many in life and there after.

    May God bless him

  • Nadiah Bundugji says:

    رحمك الله يا طارق وأسكنك فسيح جناته وجمعنا بك في جنة الفردوس الأعلى

  • Nadiah Bundugji says:

    رحمك الله يا طارق وأسكنك فسيح جناته وجمعنا بك في جنة الفردوس الأعلى

  • Najwa Bundagji says:

    I remember in the year of 2000 when saudi dent was just starting or was just a domain name. Tarik was telling me about his dreams about saudi dent being the best dental web site, also he used to tell me about this very active zealous dentist by the name of Mahmoud Aljuhani that he will develop saudi dent.

    I am sure that by the hard work of that young dedicated dentist Tarik saw his dream coming true.

  • Najwa Bundagji says:

    I remember in the year of 2000 when saudi dent was just starting or was just a domain name. Tarik was telling me about his dreams about saudi dent being the best dental web site, also he used to tell me about this very active zealous dentist by the name of Mahmoud Aljuhani that he will develop saudi dent.

    I am sure that by the hard work of that young dedicated dentist Tarik saw his dream coming true.

  • Dr amr mahrous says:

    رحمك الله رحمة واسعة

  • Dr amr mahrous says:

    رحمك الله رحمة واسعة

  • maha says:

    اول مرة اتعرفت على الفقيد الدكتور طارق في دورة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي
    كلماتي في وصف شخصيته لاترقى لما تركه من اثر في قلوب كل من عرفه
    الله يرحمه ويغفر له

  • Ndym Nas says:

    I knew him long time when I was 8n Saudi Arabia
    But it was so painful the time when I heard and read about his death in the news paper it was a big loss to the Saudi dentistry and even to MOH this in my opinion Saudi Arabia lost a best human being may ALLAH SWT grant him a high place in Jannah
    And as a Muslim I’m also sure that he’s resting in Jannah right now
    Our prayers are with him till our life in this Dunia
    Allah e Arrahmohum

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