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Endodontic mishaps or procedural accidents are unfortunate occurrences that can occur during treatment. Some might be due to inattention to detail, whereas others are unpredictable. Failure to grasp the rationale behind cleaning and shaping concepts can increase the occurrence of needless complications such as blockages, ledge formation, apical transportation, and perforations. These have been attributed to inappropriate cleaning and shaping concepts. Among the complications most commonly observed during root canal instrumentation is a deviation from the original <a style= canal curvature without communication with the periodontal ligament, resulting in a procedural error termed ledge formation or lodging.” width=”628″ height=”538″ />

Endodontic mishaps or procedural accidents are unfortunate occurrences that can occur during treatment. Some might be due to inattention to detail, whereas others are unpredictable. Failure to grasp the rationale behind cleaning and shaping concepts can increase the occurrence of needless complications such as blockages, ledge formation, apical transportation, and perforations. These have been attributed to inappropriate cleaning and shaping concepts. Among the complications most commonly observed during root canal instrumentation is a deviation from the original canal curvature without communication with the periodontal ligament, resulting in a procedural error termed ledge formation or ledging. ((Ref. JOE — Volume 33, Number 10, October 2007))

Today, we are presenting a mindmap about Ledge where we have highlighted the following points:

  • Endodontic Mishaps listing
  • Ledge Causes
  • Ledge Correction
  • Ledge Prognosis
  • Some Clinical tips



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Mahmoud H. Al-Johani

Author Mahmoud H. Al-Johani

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